The Winds of…What?


Change… Not many people like it; likewise, many can not live without it. In my case, I hate change that occurs too often. Some change here and there is acceptable, and in fact, I love it. It keeps things interesting and fun; if it makes sense, it makes my surroundings or experiences different each day, which I appreciate.

But the beautiful thing about change is that some things need to change. Some things work better with change. In other cases, they work worse with change.

An example of a good change is car tires. People might think that is a poor analogy, but I disagree. If you keep turning, living, and going, you start to get worn down after a while. 

“I feel like one of the biggest changes in my life was from middle school to high school when COVID hit. I had to go online because of health reasons, and I really struggled because I’m very social. Online school made it a lot more difficult to find that social aspect,” Lakeland High School junior  Lincoln Wood stated.

“The biggest change for me was probably looking for a parent. I had to work a lot at home, and I changed schools to accommodate for education and everything. I had to take on a bigger role in my household,” Aspen Lawson pitched in.

“I feel like change opened my eyes to other kids that were struggling. I feel like it made me realize who else just needs a helping hand,” Wood said.

“I think it did make me a better person. I definitely matured a lot, and I figured out ways to see how people need help,” Lawson finished.

Everybody will experience change in their life, whether minor or drastic. It is inevitable; another fantastic example is The Truman Show.

Truman Burbank, played by Jim Carrey, lives life secretly on film and is controlled by the producers and studio workers. He does not know it. Warning: spoilers ahead. He finds a way out of his mediocre life. At the end of the movie, he exits the studio, which was an entire town that he lived in. Honestly, the movie is depressing and rather surreal, but he grows from change at the end of the movie. 

When people accept change, they can either grow from it like Truman Burbank, or they can be defeated by it and thrown around by life.