Now What?

LHS Athletes Battle Post-Sports Life


Zoee Young, Opinions Writer

It is that time of year for Lakeland High School athletes to transition from their fall sports into their winter or spring sports. 

Most fall sports have had been going on since August and are now ending. 

Student-athletes struggle to get comfortable with their sport just for it to end in a few months. Athletes, over time, grow into a routine, and it is hard and feels weird when that routine is not as it used to be. 

Sophomore Landen Burmeister is breaking his usual routine since his football season has ended. He states, “It feels weird to go home right after school instead of heading straight to practice right after school. I just got used to waking up, going to school, and practicing. So it feels not normal that it is over.” 

While student-athletes juggle school work, sports, or things at home things to deal with, it takes a toll on athletes. 

Ella Terzulli Finishes up her volleyball season and tackles the start of her basketball season. 

Terzulli states, ” When volleyball ended, I was tired. I took the time before basketball to rest my body and prepare for the season. I also attend the open gyms to get a feel for things again.” 

Usually, when a sports season is ending, athletes get a week or two before their next season begins. During that time, some athletes like the time off, and others do not. Ella Terzulli enjoyed the time away from sports. 

She states, “It felt very relaxing in that period of time. I was not feeling as stressed anymore to get my homework done as I was when I was doing volleyball. There was very little time for homework.” 

Sophomore Carter Vanek did not like the time away from sports that much.

” I did not like not having practice every day. All there was to do was go home and lay on the couch. It made me feel really lazy, and I was so bored,” Vanek said. “I am just ready for basketball season to start.” 

Teachers and parents may not understand how stressful of being a student and an athlete can be for kids. With two-plus hours of practice on top of the six classes they have along with homework, it can be a lot. 

But many Lakeland High School athletes are ecstatic about their upcoming seasons