What Do You Look for in a New Teacher?


Emma Stutzke, News Writer

There are teachers leaving Lakeland High School after this school year is over. Because of this, Mr. Derrick, the principal of Lakeland, will have to hire some new teachers. 

Mr. Jacobs is one of the teachers leaving. He is leaving Lakeland because he had the opportunity to teach social studies at Post Falls. 

Another teacher leaving is Mr. Forsythe.

Now that a few teachers will be leaving, new teachers will have to take their place. 

Derrick said, “We are looking for teachers that have the capacity to build strong connections with students and equally as important that they have the skill sets to assist our students in reaching their academic potential.”

Finding teachers can sometimes be difficult, but “we are fortunate to live in a very appealing place and so we have been blessed with great applicants,” said Derrick.

A new teacher also has to work well with the students they will teach. “As a student, I believe they want a teacher that understands them as well as giving them the skills they need to be successful in life,” said Derrick.

It is good to have a lot of great staff in the school. Hiring new teachers can increase the number of good staff, which can also decrease class size, therefore making it less stressful for teachers and students.