Everyone has had at least one embarrassing moment in class.
At the time, it seems like the end of the world, But, the bigger picture is that no one is going to remember after that class period. However, what about the teachers? Even they have rough days and make ridiculous mistakes.
Teachers always seem so put together, even on Mondays.
Most teachers have been teaching for years, and there is no way they have not made even a silly mistake.
Maybe it was their first day or their fifth hundredth.
For our industrial mechanic’s teacher, Corey Pettit, it was the first class he ever taught.
He was writing up on the board as a student teacher. He thought he was using a whiteboard marker, but that was not the case.
“It was a permanent marker, and the whole class laughed at me,” Pettit said.
Just like students, teachers have bad first days. It can also just be messing up words.
Mrs. Allison Knoll, our theatre and leadership teacher, has had an incident with this. While rehearsing lines with her students, she accidentally said die better than do better.
“It was definitely embarrassing,” Knoll said.
The agriculture advisor, Mrs. Laura Kelley, has had an embarrassing moment while being on a trip with her FFA chapter. They were out at a team dinner at Olive Garden in Twin Falls.
Her chapter thought it would be funny to prank her and have the staff sing her happy birthday. The catch is that it was not her actual birthday. About eight staff members came and sang to her. “I will remember this moment for a really long time,” Kelley said.
Teachers are still normal people and are not perfect.
Everyone has their moments.
Being embarrassed is the worst, but eventually, it fades. As much as it sucks whether it happens in front of one person or a whole crowd, it is not as big of a deal as it may seem.
People just need to laugh it off and not let it affect them.