Procrastination is often the enemy of students and an annoyance for teachers.
When everything is piling up, students tend to give up on doing work. Especially towards the end of the year, it can be hard to keep up the good work when there is such little time left.
Procrastination, by definition, is the action of delaying or postponing something.
We as teens procrastinate all the time, whether it happens to be school work, chores, or even cleaning our room.
High school students have so much on their plates, and the last thing they want to do is do more school work when they would rather be sleeping or doing something they enjoy.
However, toward the end of the year, procrastination can get risky. This is because there are not many assignments to bump up grades, so every point matters.
On the other hand, with the end of the year closing in, students are becoming more burnt out and tired.
Some people do not realize that they are procrastinating with simple tasks, like scrolling through social media.
According to Psychology Today, around 50 percent of high school students procrastinate regularly, along with the fact that procrastination is the most common among adolescents.
The hardest part of homework for students is managing the time to do it, along with every other responsibility.
For student-athletes, it is hard to have the student come first. Sports are more enjoyable than math homework, so students tend to devote themselves to their extracurricular activities before their assignments.
“For me, it is the idea that I do not have to do it now, so why not do it later? But then I forget and do it last minute,” Matthew Greene said.
When walking around a high school’s halls, most people look tired and drained. The reason for this is people straining themselves at eleven o’clock at night to get to the midnight deadline. Most fell asleep over their stacks of projects, books and worksheets. Sometimes, finding the motivation can be difficult enough.
Why not just ask for answers the next day or just accept the bad grade?
As the time ticks away on the night before an assignment is due, the anxiety sets in. Anxiety and procrastination are linked. This is because when having anxiety, your brain can use procrastination as an avoiding mechanism to cope, but really, it is making the issue worse.
Not everyone notices the long-term effects of procrastination. This can not only affect how people handle time management in the future but this can additionally affect what college you get accepted to due to your grades.
Procrastination is a choice in the moment that can potentially cause risks to future accomplishments.
“The key to solving procrastination is writing notes or lists to help you stay on top of everything,” Lincoln Wood said.