Is Yellow the Best?

Staff Members Weigh in on Decision to Stay in Yellow

Emma Stutzke, Staff Writer

Some people prefer to go to school everyday instead of going in person half of the time, and online the other half. Staff members at Lakeland High School have plenty to say about staying in yellow, and what might happen if the district changes to orange.

Trent Derrick, the principal at Lakeland, says that, “ I do believe staying in yellow was the best decision for our students.” 

He received feedback from students about how difficult it is to do school online and how being in the classroom is a much better learning experience. 

“There is substantial scientific evidence that masks help mitigate the risk of the spread of the virus and I believe wearing masks would be a significant factor in minimizing exposure to others especially when people are in close proximity to one another,” Derrick said.  

He also understands that it is a difficult decision to make about mandating masks because of all of the different perspectives people have.

“Going to orange would require a transitional period to distribute the necessary technology to students so our overall preparedness would require a few days to make that transition,” says Mr. Derrick.

 If Lakeland does happen to go to orange, it might take a couple of weeks to fully transition and get used to the new schedule. 

Derrick also wants to thank the students and staff for the way they are dealing with the changes that are occurring. 

The Spanish teacher at Lakeland High School, Rebecca Hasz, also has some opinions about the current situations. She says that, “I truly feel that in person learning is the best and while we are dealing with cases and quarantine overall I think we are doing pretty well.” 

Mrs. Hasz is surprised that Lakeland stayed in yellow given the county recommendations.

Hasz also says, “If by wearing a mask we could prevent quarantining I would be 100% in favor.” She would wear a mask if they were mandated because she wants to continue with in-person learning. 

If Lakeland changed to orange, Hasz says she is prepared, but concerned about the students learning at home. “ If students are expected to come each day prepared even if they were not in building the day before, I feel like we will be playing a lot of catch up,” says Mrs. Hasz. But in general, she is very happy to be in person.