LHS Inching Toward 1:1

Matthew Wirtz, Staff Writer

Ever since the Fall of 2018, Lakeland School district has started to become a 1 to 1 school district.

 1 to 1 means, for every student, there is a Chromebook assigned to them. Ideally, by the end of the semester, Lakeland will officially be 1:1.

Michelle Stanford, Technology Integration Coordinator, stated, “When I first started, we planned on achieving 1:1 implementation over the course of five years; however, COVID-19 has expedited our rollout plans.”

At the elementary level, the plan is that the students have their Chromebooks throughout the day, but are not taking it home. At the junior high, it is already 1:1 with Chromebooks being able to be checked out to be taken home. Once enough Chromebooks arrive across the district, this will similarly happen at the high school.

The district will be 1:1 when a shipment of 1200 Chromebooks arrives. 

Stanford also said, “Ideally, this will happen prior to the start of the second semester; however, there is a high demand for Chromebooks worldwide, so manufactures/distributors are struggling to keep up.”

Since 2018, 136 classes have been implemented with Chromebooks. 

What do students think about this?

One sophomore, Brady Hanna stated, “I appreciate that the district is making those types of sacrifices for the good of the students’ education.”