Stacks on stacks of paperwork, assignments, and overall responsibilities are something high schoolers deal with in day-to-day life.
Homework is more of a chore than a benefit. One in a hundred times does it truly help.
Some schools do not assign homework. The reason for this is that some teachers do not think it is necessary, according to Krem 2 News.
I feel the same way, especially for athletes. Having a game or a late practice is not the best feeling, knowing that there are a ton of assignments afterward.
Sometimes homework is stressful and just adds to everything students already have to deal with.
It also seems that teachers assign the most homework when students have something going on.
It is a huge inconvenience, and the teachers always complain about how much they have to grade.
The more assignments are assigned, the more teachers have to grade.
We just should not have homework in the first place.
According to Healthline, homework distracts students from gaining crucial life skills.
Homework can also cause students to burn out.
Although some homework can be beneficial, others are not as necessary, and it is more busy work than a tool.
It is a weight students have to carry around.
“I spend about an hour on average on homework. It is exhausting,” Jacob Holan said.
Hours committed to homework that could be used to do other things is not exactly what students would label as fun.
On top of that, students have to spend extra time studying for tests that pile up as well.
Homework should not be assigned, but more of an idea that if classwork does not get done, then it should be completed at home and then turned in the next day.
“I do not like heavily assigning homework because I am not there to help,” Laura Kelley said.
This is a good point because parents sometimes do not understand the homework, and rather than assisting, they just confuse their kids instead.
“Homework is more work than help,” Tre Tatom said.
School is exhausting. Our brains are tired by the time we get home, especially if we are involved in extracurricular activities.
Now, instead of a free schedule, we have a daunting worksheet to do.
There are better ways to spend our free time than on a math worksheet with twenty questions.