Covid-19 is Scary
Haunted Houses Increase Precautions

October 12, 2020
Since COVID-19, a lot of things have been canceled, one of those being haunted houses.
Haunted houses are fun to go to, but are there still haunted houses open? Although most are closed, there are still some that are going to be open. A few Lakeland High School students gave their opinions about haunted houses and if they care about haunted houses.
Freshman Ethan Abbott states “haunted houses are pretty cool, and I look forward to them every year around this time.”
Logan Harris says “ haunted houses are scary and it’s a good way to hang out with your friends.”
Junior Morgan Abott said “haunted houses are fun and scary, but they’re a good way to celebrate Halloween.”
These are all positive reviews about haunted houses. These spooky houses are important to many people. Although some haunted houses are going to be open, there will be some restrictions regarding the virus. Sparky’s Fun House is a haunted house located in Spokane, Washington. They state on their website that they can’t get close to scare you, and they will try to get the guests out of the house quickly so the guests are not in an enclosed space for long. What do the students think?
Austin VanOrman says, “I’ll still go, you’re still going to have the same experience as every year.”
Knowing that most of the haunted houses are closed, one of the main well known haunted attractions is Scarywood. This year as a big disappointment, they are not allowed to host Scarywood, however they did make a compromise. Their new alternative is called Silverwood After Party, this starts at 6 P.M. and it is one scary attraction.
The rest of the park is open as normal throughout the day, and closes down at 10 along with the Dr. Delirium 3D Rock House, the haunted attraction with blasting rock music and 3D effects that throw you off, along with jump scares from masked haunters. This attraction does unfortunately only open Saturdays and will be going on for only the next few weeks.
Matthew Wirtz • Feb 11, 2021 at 10:00 am
Covid-19 is scary news editor Wyatt aramburu