The first quarter is done. Now that everyone has made it through the first quarter, things are starting to settle down.
Most people are used to their classes; they have formed their friend groups and started to get into the rhythm of the school year.
As the freshman start to settle into high school, new routines and experiences start transitioning into the daily routines for most students.
Most freshmen struggle at the beginning of the year because everything is new and overwhelming. There can be a huge difference from middle school to high school. Now that the first quarter is ending, students are starting to get caught up and get into the flow.
There are also grade checks at the end of the semester, and parent meetings to figure out how students are feeling with their classes and to see where students can improve.
The end of the quarter does not change students’ classes, or make a grade permanent, the end of the quarter is mostly to check in and see where students are academically.
Some students start the year strong and the end of the quarter is not a big deal for them when it comes to grades.
“I think as long as you don’t miss any days, you can stay caught up pretty easily,” Delaney Burke, a freshman at the high school, said.
However most new students are still getting used to the student body and the culture of the school, even when they are doing great academically.
“I know where everything is now, but I am not completely used to the school itself yet,” Burke said.
Even though LHS has roughly 226 freshmen who are still adjusting to the high school atmosphere, the school also has 205 seniors who have been there and done that, and most of them are getting ready to graduate.
The seniors’ perspective of the first quarter ending is the polar opposite of most underclassmen. After three years of high school, the senioritis is kicking in.
The first quarter ending feels like one step closer to graduating for the seniors.
“It’s definitely going by really fast. I am excited to be done with school, but it’s also stressful,” Rylee Wirth, a senior at LHS, said.
As the quarter ends, the school atmosphere is changing rapidly for LHS students.
“Senior year. All of the years before you do not really have to worry about the future, and then this year, all of a sudden, you have to think about those things,” Wirth said.
The quarter ending means different things to different people depending on their grades, the grade they are in, and sports.
As some students scramble to get their grades up for parent-teacher conferences, the fall sports are ending, the winter sports are beginning, senioritis is kicking in, the weather is changing, and everyone is getting used to the flow of the school year.
No matter what it means to all of the students, everyone is happy to be a quarter of the way done with the year.