What’s Next: Zack Roses
“I honestly don’t know what’s next, but it will be cool,” Zack Roses said.
Whether you know what your next step is, the transition from high school into adult life can still be an exciting process.
Roses will be graduating high school very soon, which is something he is beyond excited about.
While at Lakeland High School, Roses has learned how to truly branch out and meet new people. He realized that people come and go, but it is for the best.
High school expanded Roses’ social bubble and helped him create great memories at school. He especially appreciates Battle for the Paddle and all the memories he has made during these events. He will truly miss all the fun events.
Roses is known for his loud, charismatic attitude and always likes to make people laugh.
“I always want to be the loudest one to get other people to do the same,” Roses said. “I like going all out, dressing up, and getting pumped in the crowd. I try to stand out and make sure everyone knows I will be the one to get loud.”
Roses is often known to be a friendly face to see in the halls, and he tries his hardest to make everything as fun as possible. Roses positively affects the people around him and will be missed in the LHS halls.
There are many students who are sad to see Roses leave but happy for him to take the step in life.
“I don’t even know where to start with memories about Zack,” Aiden Rothrock said. “We have so many. We used to freestyle all the time; we did Hoopfest together, worked together, and even went to the same summer camp.”
Roses has truly impacted so many people during high school. Rothrock admires how he is different from his other friends and has a fun personality to be around anytime.
He feels like Roses is a hard worker, which helps Rothrock stay motivated.
Although Roses is excited to move on in life, he does have some social fears looming over him.
“I have been here so long, but once high school is over, I am nervous about how I will make friends,” Roses said. “It’s so easy when everyone is in school, but finding friends outside of school will be weird.”
Roses’ plans for after high school are not set in stone yet. He plans to spend his summer working at Silverwood Theme Park as a retail supervisor. After the summer, he plans to find another job in customer service. Another goal of his is to travel as much as possible.