Putting the Fun in Fundraiser
This week is the most significant event for Lakeland High School. Lakeland students will fight for their four-peat against Sandpoint High School in Battle for the Paddle.
One of the immense contributions to the spirit competitions is fundraising. So, the LHS student council came up with a great way to get students to bring in money. For years, the student council has offered crazy dares to staff members when a certain amount of money is raised.
The staff was more than willing to help with the fundraising process. Office lady Mrs. Fortin said fundraising is essential because it helps students learn to be charitable and help others in need. Giving out the staff dares encourages the student body to bring in the money they can to see the staff go on to doing their dares.
The amount starts at $5,000 and works up to $25,000. Each amount past the dares gets worse and worse for the staff. If the student body raises the money, they will see all these dares at the Battle for the Paddle assembly this Friday.
The staff involved with the dares is hopeful that the student body will meet its goal. Last year Lakeland beat the record for the most money raised for Battle for the Paddle at $22,000. Math teacher Mr. Long said he was more confident that the student body would raise $17,000.
“My second-period class is so cheap. We probably have not broken a dollar per student for the penny drive,” said Long.
The staff was given a choice of dares provided by the student council. If they were unwilling to do it, they would suggest one they were more comfortable doing. Softball coach Dwayne Curry(D.C) said no to getting maced and tased. So he offered to get a hawk tattoo as his dare. “I hope the student body raises $24,999,” said D.C.
From getting a tattoo to dying one’s hair, history teacher Nicholas Haynes has to bleach his eyebrows. The unraised question is what would their spouses think of these dares they have to do. Haynes said that people always make fun of his eyebrows. “I honestly think my wife will be happy because she always says they are too bushy, and I need to trim them,” said Haynes.
The dares will be done at LHS’s annual Battle for the Paddle assembly tomorrow. The student body can hardly wait for the dares to find out how much money was raised.
Staff dares:
- $5k- Bevac pied
- $8k- Hall twins plank off
- $9k- Anderson dye hair
- $10k Ward wears a prom dress
- $12k Dunn Pacer Test
- $13k Knoll and Novak dye hair
- $15k Haynes Bleaches eyebrows
- $16k Hasz gets slimed
- $17k Long Handlebar mustache
- $22k Kiefer and John Cornish eat raw eggs
- $22k Fortin kisses a goat
- $25k D.C. gets a tattoo

"I think about food literally all day everyday. It's a thing"- Taylor Swift