Is It Chip Enough?

Chips are one of the most addicting snacks. The grease, crunch and flavor causes chips to be such a great snack.  But what makes a chip a chip? 

There is a wide variety regarding chips, tortillas, potatoes, and crackers. Would you consider popcorn a chip? 

Dustin Frank, the Principle Assistant at Lakeland High School, considers chips something that comes in a bag that allows you to eat mouthfuls at a time. 

“My favorite chip is the Garden Salsa Sun Chip, but if you consider it, I would choose White Cheddar popcorn from Smartfood,” Dustin Frank said. 

Every store has a chip aisle, from potato to tortilla chips; not far down the aisle, it holds Cheez It’s, Pringles, Wheat Thins, and more. Are all of those things considered a chip?

Emeri Lukey, a junior at LHS, says that a chip is something that is made with potato and starch. 

“They all have similar bases and ingredients, pretty much anything beyond that is not a chip,” Lukey said. 

Chips are promoted as crispy and received from a puffy bag.

 “The chip has to be crispy, not soggy, it has to come from a chip brand, and sun chips are not chips,” said Jay Johnson. 

Isadora Goad said while organic chips are a little different, they are healthier and are made from straight potato. 

The residue from chips can be very annoying, that is one of the improvements Goad would add. 

“Even though the chips need air in the bag to stay fresh, I would still like them to put more chips in the bag,” said Johnson. 

Lukey said he would add more flavor to the chips. 

“I am beyond surprised that no one has made an Idaho chip. Idaho is known for their potatoes, so why is there no set chip for this state?” said Frank. 

For the past 50 years, Idaho has been famous for the best potatoes. If chips are based around potatoes, why is there no set chip for Idaho? 

I think a chip would be a crispy, flavourful, quick and easy snack. 

There are many different varieties of chips and many snacks that can be similar to chips but are not chips. 

I don’t think Cheetos are chips; while they are similar to chips, I think they could have their own kind of category. 

Cheetos are crispy and flavourful, but they do not satisfy the idea of a chip.