New Buzz-In System

Zoee Young, Opinion Writer

Safety is an essential component at Lakeland High School. New items are constantly added to improve student safety. 

This is why the staff at LHS have taken additional steps to protect students. 

A new system has recently been added to Lakeland: the call-in system. Instead of the front doors remaining unlocked throughout the school day, it is now permanently locked.

Some students are not big fans of the new call-in system. At first, a few things were still being worked on and set up. 

“I do not like the new call-in system. I think it is a waste of my and the office lady’s time,” Ella Terzulli, a junior at LHS, said. 

Lakeland High School was the last school in the LJSD district to get the call-in system. All the other schools have it as an extra safety precaution. 

All the doors leading outside are locked all day long. 

When it came to installing the call-in system, it was a long ongoing process. Lakeland’s I.T. staff worked extremely hard to get everything working right. 

At first, there were troubles with the wiring system, but eventually, everything ran smoothly. 

Some new rules have been implemented with the new call-in system. The most significant rule is not to open the doors for anyone, even if you know them. Everyone must be buzzed in. 

John Hatcher, Lakeland’s armed guard, stated, “The biggest thing you need to keep your eye out for is tailgaters.” 

“The best thing to do in this situation is to step to the side of the door and then get buzzed in first. Do not be responsible for letting someone in that should not be in our building,” Hatcher said. 

After the call-in system was implemented, students started feeling safer in school, knowing that terrifying things were happening to schools worldwide. 

Installing the call-in system was one step closer to Lakeland being a safer environment for all students and staff. 

It is critical to always stay on high alert when entering the school. If students see something, they should say something before there is a chance for anything bad to take place.