LJSD 272 Revises Dress Code Policy

Samantha Fuller, News Editor

Dress code is a controversial topic for high schools everywhere.

The Lakeland High School dress code was revised this school year. The policy LHS uses was adopted on Aug. 13 2007 and was revised twice in 2021.

One of the newest changes to the dress code is that hats are now allowed.

Many students are grateful for this change in the policy.

“I am very happy that Laklend is now letting us wear hats. I think this is the best rule that Lakeland has ever made,” said Brayden Tirri, a junior at LHS. Tirri is a student who is known for always wearing a hat.

Students like Tirri are taking advantage of the policy change and are excited to be able to wear hats this school year.

Although this policy was changed, there are still rules in the dress code that not all students agree with.

When students do not follow the dress code, it takes a toll on the administration.

“It makes the administration’s job a lot easier if students follow the dress code,” said Dustin Frank, the Principal Assistant at LHS.

It can become a hassle when administration has to stop their routine because someone is not dressed appropriately.

It can also be an awkward conversation for teachers and staff to have with students, not in compliance with the dress code policy.

“It is not a comfortable situation for anyone, so it would be a lot easier if students could follow the dress code given,” Frank said. “The dress code is just one of those rules that everyone has to follow, and it would save a lot of time and energy if students would follow the policy.”

According to the updated dress code policy, the rules are the following:
Undergarments must be worn and shall not be visible.
Tube tops are not allowed.
Tank top straps must be two (2) finger-width.
Midriffs must not be exposed.
Skirts and dresses must be at a minimum length of mid-thigh.
Shorts must be at a minimum length of mid-thigh.
Leg coverings (jeans, pants, etc.) with holes above mid-thigh must not show skin.
Leg coverings (jeans, pants, etc.) must be worn at the waistline.
Shoes should be worn at all times.
Flags shall not be worn as capes.

The policy does have exceptions to the rules as long as it regards cultural, religious, and ethnic differences.

“Dress code is always a thing students want to fight, but everyone’s job would be much easier if students could follow the rules,” said Frank.