Brown Does it All

Malia Batman, Staff Writer

Elle Brown is a senior at Lakeland Highschool and participates in the school acapella choir team, the swim team and the tennis team. 

Brown played one year of softball in middle school and she realized that tennis was stretric, and that she could do it for the rest of her life. 

“After my first year my parents were very supportive, my mom and grandparents made it to basically all of my matches and my dad went out of his way to get me a good racquet and to get me all of the gear I needed.” 

Brown explained that she loves being outside in good weather while being active with friends and that tennis is the sport that you can always get better at. 

Brown has been playing all four years of high school on the tennis court. 

Covid played a toll on Brown’s sophomore year of tennis, with only two practices into the season it got canceled due to covid. 

Even though, Covid canceled her season Elle and her dad still made the effort to get playing time in by going to different courts and playing three to four hours a day. 

Brown has been doing choir for three years, her sophomore year she did concert choir and at the beginning her junior year she auditioned for acapella choir and has been doing it since. 

Brown states “ It’s in the middle of my day so it’s a great day to break up classes and it gives me a way to escape by doing something that I really enjoy.” 

Brown says that she has always loved singing and she wanted to do new things that pushed her out of her comfort zone and choir really set up a new challenge and pushed her to try something new. 

Brown says that her biggest support is her choir teacher Mr. Secilla and he supports people trying new things. 

Brown’s biggest influence is Adele. 

 “We have a similar range and she is a powerhouse and she has such a pretty voice and I always wanted to sing like her.” 

Elle Brown has been on the Highschool swim team for three years. She ended her senior season with the 200 IM, she also did the 100 backstrokes for most of her high school career, and the 200 medley relay. 

“ I heard it was a great way to get you in shape and I played basketball at the time so I wanted to be in shape for that and my brother did it and so I thought I could do it and like tennis, it’s something that I can do for the rest of my life.” 

Brown is going to Boise State in the Fall to study Mathematics. 

“ Don’t let sports take over your life, focus on the things that will matter to you for the rest of your life.” 

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