Custodians at Lakeland
April 25, 2022
Custodians play a vital role in the school at Lakeland, they make sure the school environment is clean and there are many of them who help. Randy Willis, Barbara Sleigh, Tena Olstad, and Jan Feutz are all custodians at Lakeland.
Randy Willis is the head custodian at Lakeland “I’ve been working here for about 3 years, I make sure that the school stays disinfected and organized, I have to make sure that nothing is double-booked for games. I sometimes do work on electrical, plumbing, and unloading trucks for the school.
He has also stated that “The majority of students treat the custodians well, I was pretty surprised when I started here”
Barbara Sleigh, one of our custodians has stated “I’ve worked at Lakeland for almost 3 years, I take care of the commons and the cafeteria, I keep people from eating lunch in the auxiliary gym. I’m here in the early morning and evening, for fun I gave acting lessons for the most recent play that we had”
Tena Olstad, another one of our custodians has said “I’ve only been here for about 7 months now and I am an evening/night custodian. I clean the senior and junior bathrooms, science classrooms, and library. Before I started working at Lakeland I was a Certified Nursing Assistant for 12 years”
Jan Feutz has stated “ I’ve worked at Lakeland for 6 months now, and I work down in the gym locker rooms, I clean the hawk bathrooms, the Fourier, and the freshman hallway, to keep those classrooms clean. Before working at Lakeland I had my own cleaning business and I also have cleaned other schools”
Staff and students also have their own positive thoughts on the custodians.
Amy Fortin Lakeland’s office lady has stated “Randy and his crew work really hard to get this school back up to par, I think they do a good job at cleaning and fixing things. Jan Feutz does a good job, especially in the mornings”
Alexis Sausser a senior has stated “All of them are super nice, one of them helps in my art class and gives us advice to improve our art skills. To help the custodians out I always throw away my trash and I don’t leave any messes for them”
The custodians play a vital role in our school and go beyond their job already had entailed to help students, if you have trash make sure to throw it away for our custodians.
Kathy • Apr 25, 2022 at 9:09 pm
Thank you custodians a job that deserves credit