Lakeland Staff Members of the Year
Allison Knoll, Sara Teel and Amy Fortin reflect on the school year and work life.
April 18, 2022
Lakeland High school awarded two teachers of the year and one classified staff of the year.
The two teachers of the year 2021-2022 are Allison Knoll and Sara Teel.
The classified staff of the year was awarded to Amy Fortin.

Mrs. Teel, a math teacher at LHS, has been teaching for 13 years.
“I feel surprised and honored. I know a lot of our teachers work very hard and go above and beyond expectations, so it’s very competitive. It’s nice to know my extra effort is noticed and appreciated,” Teel said.
Teel has a hectic schedule working from around 6:30 to 3:00 in the afternoon. She makes sure she gives students the time to come n and get the extra help they need.
“I get to the school around 6:30 am, look over the notes for what I’m teaching in each of my classes, and make any necessary adjustments. Once classes start, I take attendance, we go over whatever we’re going to do for the day, then the students have time to work on their assignment,” Teel mentioned.
“During lunch, I stay in my room in case students need help or want to work. During my prep, I grade student work and help students who come in. After school, I prepare for the next day and finish grading student work. I stay in my room after school until 3 pm in case students need help or want to work.”
Teel knows that teaching is not the job for everyone, and it has to be something you genuinely love.
“I’ve wanted to be a teacher all of my life because of the amazing teachers I had growing up. Make sure you love what you do, no matter what career you choose. If you dread going to work, every day will be miserable, but if you enjoy your work, the days fly by,” Teel said.
Teel has had an upstanding year at Lakeland. She made many good memories this year.
“Winning Teacher of the Year, of course. Another nice memory is when various students brought me flowers or cookies to thank me for helping them,” Teel said.

Mrs. Fortin is also very enthusiastic about winning classified staff of the year.
“I am very honored to be classified staff of the year. There are many deserving people in this building. I feel fortunate to have been chosen. I truly enjoy working with my co-workers and being able to have a little fun. Recently, there was a “cricket” on the loose around my desk. It took me a couple of weeks before I found it (well played to the prankster who placed that),” Fortin said.
Fortin has a hectic schedule that she goes by.
“I have 4 of my own children and wanted to have the same schedule as them. I get to work by 7 am. After work, I usually have to either pick up a kid or attend an athletic event, get home, cook dinner, spend some family time together, then bed and repeat,” Fortin mentioned.
Fortin enjoys working in a school environment and is very glad to be a part of the LHS community.
“It is a very rewarding profession. Being able to be a part of these kids’ lives is something that I absolutely value,” Fortin said.

Mrs. Knoll is the drama, Hello Hawks, and leadership teacher. Knoll has done a lot for the school this year. She has worked at the high school for nine years and for three years at the middle school before that.
“I was shocked to find out that I won. There are so many deserving teachers in our building that I am lucky to work with. I would like to thank the staff members who nominated me. It is wonderful to feel noticed,” Knoll said.
Becoming a teacher has never been a question for Knoll.
“I have wanted to be a teacher for as long as I can remember. When I was little I used to line up my stuffed animals to be my students. I have many teachers in my family so it just felt natural to follow in their footsteps,” Knoll mentioned.
Knoll has also made many great memories this year.
“This year I am so glad that we were able to reopen The Social Bean. Not only does it give me time to spend with Mrs. Peck, but it has also allowed us to give back to our school and community. I think overall my favorite memory was the Christmas Wish assembly when we were able to surprise Connie with the check to pay off her tractor,” Knoll said.
The students at LHS are not surprised that Knoll would be chosen for this award.
“Mrs. Knoll is a great teacher. She really cares about the students,” said Duke Williamson.
All three of these staff members are very hardworking and well-deserved the award given to them.