Q&A with Mr. Pettit
February 11, 2022
At Lakeland High School, we have programs and extracurricular classes that involve working with our hands such as welding. I interviewed Corey Pettit, a Mechanics teacher at Lakeland High School.
Q: How many classes are there at KTEC and Lakeland?
A: Pettit: I’m not sure how many classes there are at KTEC. Here at Lakeland, I teach Industrial Mechanics 1, Industrial Mechanics 2, and I teach a KTEC class here at our Lakeland shop Industrial Mechanics that is for juniors and seniors.
Q: Why is it important to kids who have different interests compared to their peers?
A: Pettit: I think every student here at Lakeland High School has to find a niche that they fit into. We have so many options and activities for students to be involved in. Shop class and our shop club are just one piece. This isn’t for everyone but is a great place for a certain population of our school to call home and their own. Every kid should find some activity to be a part of at Lakeland.
Q: How has the activity grown over the years?
A: Pettit: Pretty well. We are having a welding competition on Friday and I have more kids that want to compete than I have spots for.
Q: What does the job market look like for these kids going into the trades?
A: Pettit: This might be the best time for younger people to get into the trades. First off there are a ton of jobs out there. A lot of this has to do with the baby boomer generation leaving the workforce, which has left a huge need for skilled workers. Second of all, a lot of companies/industries are willing to pay for your training. Finally, Industries are in such a high demand that the pay you can make in the trades is incredible for someone with trade skills.
Q: What is the future of these programs?
A: Pettit: The future looks bright. I would think the demand for skilled workers will only increase as more and more baby boomers retire out of the workforce.