Next Big Step

Michael Locke, News Writer

Harley See, a senior at Lakeland Highschool has accepted a scholarship to Blue Mountain College. 

Blue Mountain College is in Pendleton Oregon.

“ I went to a college exposure tournament, I got to be invited onto the team Idaho. There was a bunch of college coaches so I reached out to them, and a lot of them called me and I just picked what fit me best”, said Harley.

She also had some other things to say about the school and why she chose it.

See said, “ I really like the small town of Pendleton, it’s really homey and the mountains are beautiful, I do local rodeos and I think that’s really cool”.

Colleen Bevacqua is a teacher at Lakeland Highschool and is the softball coach. She has coached for 20 years and 17 at Lakeland.

She has sent over 20 athletes to college during her coaching career.

Harley is a remarkable student, athlete, and leader that is noticeable to college scouts. She is versatile in her ability to play almost any position on the softball team. Her dedicated work ethic has earned her the opportunity to play college softball. Her hard work and competitive nature really shine on the softball field”, said Bevacqua.

Blue mountain softball has also had Lakeland graduates go to their school in the past.

The softball team has had many great talents over the years and See gets to take her talents to another level.

Bevacqua also said, “  I am extremely proud of Harley. Her grit has earned her this scholarship. I am very thankful that I was lucky enough to coach her. She is the type of athlete that makes coaching worth it. I wish I could have coached her and the other seniors this year but I will be on the sidelines cheering them on!”