The Annual Frozen 5K

Shelby Larcher, News Writer

For the past 4 years, Lakeland has hosted a Frozen 5k. This year it will be held to raise money for the Lions Club Backpack Program and our Lakeland Strong fund.

 It typically falls mid to late January and this year will be held on January 15th, at 9 am. 

The overall goal this year is to raise $5,000, between both the Frozen 5k and penny drive from last year we raised a little over that amount. 

Senior Class President, Madison Wiedenhoff thinks that the goal this year “is very attainable!” 

She also talks about where the “course” will take place.

 “The 5k starts on the teacher’s side of the high school and ends back in the same place. It takes a course around Rathdrum through the neighborhoods and loops back around to the high school.”

 On average about 70 people sign up for this race each year. 

Madison Wiedenhoof’s role in all of this as the chair of fundraising is not only to promote and organize the event, it also comes down to overseeing the committee as a whole and making sure that everything is getting done when it should be. 

She also talks about the separate group “that plans the Frozen 5k which is the fundraising committee for Battle for the Paddle. So it is mainly just the fundraising committee that does the planning, but all leadership kids are responsible for promoting the event, helping at the event, and getting sponsors for the 5k.” 

The annual Lakeland High School Frozen 5k brings in a large amount of money through fundraising for our yearly Battle for the Paddle event against Sandpoint. 

Madison Hersh, this year’s t-shirt design winner says that she feels pretty good about having won the contest, she has “always liked helping design stuff for Lakeland,” she also says that school spirit is very important to her. 

This year the fundraising committee is really trying to promote through social media, as well as making posters too. 

Madison Hersh says that she feels like there will be a better turnout this year because “more people are willing to participate which is awesome” she then proceeds to say, “The more people the better to help us get a better Battle for the Paddle”