Hat Day at Lakeland


Wyatt Aramburu, Opinions Writer

Everybody wants a good spirit week filled with awesome and fun outfits. Although spirit week isn’t coming, Hat Day is on May 28, and June 4. If you’re planning on bringing a hat, you will need one dollar then you can wear a school appropriate hat wherever in the school.   

Hats are usually not allowed in the school during school hours because it is an educational building and it is mostly to show respect. That is why Hat Day is a special day to most students at Lakeland High School, but is it? 

Katy Ryan, a senior at Lakeland, stated, “I think spirit week is a good vibe and it boosts people’s motivation to be at school. Overall, I think it is worth it to pay a dollar to wear a hat.”

For some, it is a different story. Some students at Lakeland don’t wear hats.

Nick Nowell, a sophomore at Lakeland, said, “If you have to pay a dollar to wear a hat, that’s rigged. Students should be able to wear hats anyway.”

Another reason why hats are not allowed is that there have been some hats that students have been caught wearing that are not school appropriate.

The main reason why Hat Day is cool is that it gives students more motivation to come to school because something different is happening. Sometimes it can be hard for other students to participate because they don’t have the right gear for the specific day.

All in the end, school is school and the activities that they share are sometimes better than regular school and it can build a stronger bond with our fellow students and share our school spirit.