The Top Electives for Lakeland Students

Emma Stutzke and Rachael Foreman, News Writer-Opinions Writer

At Lakeland High School we provide many options from our 60 electives that Lakeland has and the many more from our online class option. 

Ms. Suko, a counselor at Lakeland High School said, “The purpose of electives are to provide opportunities to explore areas of interest, learn a new skill or knowledge or just have fun.”

At this point in time the electives Athletic Conditioning, Jewelry and Metalsmithing, Psychology, Personal Finance and Healthy Living in Modern Society are the most popular among students at Lakeland.

The first one is Athletic Conditioning, in this class you lift weights and is exclusively for athletes. This class focuses on speed training, attaining motor skills, cognitive development, cardiovascular efficiency, psychology of sports and nutritional demands.

The second most popular elective is Jewelry and Metalsmithing and is one of the new classes coming to Lakeland. In this class students will be able to have the opportunity to use copper, brass, nickel and sterling silver to cut, form and solder metal to create jewelry.

Students will be able to explore hot and cold methods that are explored using acetylene gas, solder and rivets. Students will also learn the history of jewelry making.

The next elective is Psychology, in this class students will learn about understanding human behavior, patterns of behavior and emotional and behavioral adjustments. 

Another new class that is popular among students is Personal Finance. In this class students will learn how to plan concepts and applications including cash flow, net worth, asset selection and purchase, income taxes, insurance and consumer debt.

The 5th class that is popular for students is Healthy Living in Modern Society, this class will focus on increasing students understanding of healthy living in a society that places many demands on students. 

The intention of this class is to prevent or alleviate physical and mental symptoms of stress by gaining behavioral and cognitive skills. This course is composed of theory-based and experiential learning through a series of exercise techniques. 

“Try something new or that will enrich your life now or come in handy in the future” said Mr. Vieira, a counselor at Lakeland High School. “Electives are very important as it gives students a chance to explore subjects of interest that they might not get a chance to do otherwise.”

New classes that will come to Lakeland if they are approved are Personal Finance, Animal Science, Intro to Agriscience, Art of Floral Science, Modern Fiction, Movies as Literature and Healthy living. 

There are also many options that you can take online through Idaho Digital Learning Academy (IDLA). To take these classes you have to pay $75 for each semester of class but this can be paid for by the Advanced Opportunity Fund. 

A few of the options are available online are Sociology, Astronomy, Zoology, Creative Writing and Web design. 

“There is value in each of our electives that are offered at Lakeland though and with our wide variety to pick from there is something for everyone” said Suko. 

There are many electives to choose from, either from our 60 options at Lakeland or online through IDLA, where you can learn fun topics that interest you.