Is Daylight Savings a Good Thing?

March 18, 2021
Daylight savings for most people is a hard time.
Daylight savings was on March 14, 2021 and is when we change our clocks to one hour later than they normally are.
For most students at Lakeland High School daylight savings time affects them greatly. It may have caused them to go to sleep later and accidentally sleep in. It also causes more health problems.
It also causes extra light later in the day. So, we can go outside longer and go in the sun. It also causes us to have longer and sunnier daylight hours.
There are many pros and cons about the time change.
The pros are that there is more light to enjoy in the evening. The other pros are that the crime rates have reportedly dropped during the daylight savings times.
There are also many cons for daylight savings time. The cons of daylight savings time is that it can make people sick. It can also cause depression, suicide and lack of sleep.
There are some states and countries in the world who do not observe daylight savings time. The states that do not observe daylight savings time are Hawiaii and Arizona.
Many state leaders have thought about not observing daylight savings time and some have seen results in people not being as tired and there are less suicides.
Less than 40% of the world does not observe daylight savings time. Most countries don’t observe it and some start at 1 AM and in America it starts at 2 AM.
Many states have thought about changing it but no laws have passed.
At Lakeland High School, on Monday March 15, you could tell that most students were tired and wanting to go back to sleep. Some students were late to school because they accidentally slept in.
I asked a few Lakeland students what they thought about daylight savings time and many said, “daylight savings time is dumb. I was really tired on monday and my sleep schedule was ruined”. This was said by Suzie Nichols, a Sophomore at Lakeland High School.
Another student, Emma Goad, a Sophomore at Lakeland High School said,”I like daylight savings time. The days are longer and I adjust quickly to the schedule”.
Most students said that they liked the longer days but were very tired on Monday. Some students said that they would get used to the time change soon and it still affected them.
Daylight savings for most people is a hard time.
Daylight savings was on March 14, 2021 and is when we change our clocks to one hour later than they normally are.
For most students at Lakeland High School daylight savings time affects them greatly. It may have caused them to go to sleep later and accidentally sleep in. It also causes more health problems.
It also causes extra light later in the day. So, we can go outside longer and go in the sun. It also causes us to have longer and sunnier daylight hours.
There are many pros and cons about the time change.
The pros are that there is more light to enjoy in the evening. The other pros are that the crime rates have reportedly dropped during the daylight savings times.
There are also many cons for daylight savings time. The cons of daylight savings time is that it can make people sick. It can also cause depression, suicide and lack of sleep.
There are some states and countries in the world who do not observe daylight savings time. The states that do not observe daylight savings time are Hawiaii and Arizona.
Many state leaders have thought about not observing daylight savings time and some have seen results in people not being as tired and there are less suicides.
Less than 40% of the world does not observe daylight savings time. Most countries don’t observe it and some start at 1 AM and in America it starts at 2 AM.
Many states have thought about changing it but no laws have passed.
At Lakeland High School, on Monday March 15, you could tell that most students were tired and wanting to go back to sleep. Some students were late to school because they accidentally slept in.
I asked a few Lakeland students what they thought about daylight savings time and many said, “daylight savings time is dumb. I was really tired on monday and my sleep schedule was ruined”. This was said by Suzie Nichols, a Sophomore at Lakeland High School.
Another student, Emma Goad, a Sophomore at Lakeland High School said,”I like daylight savings time. The days are longer and I adjust quickly to the schedule”.
Most students said that they liked the longer days but were very tired on Monday. Some students said that they would get used to the time change soon and it still affected them.