Ciara McKinzie is constantly busy. If you see her, you’ll also see snippets of whatever creative project she is working on next, that or she’s doing her homework.
Ciara McKinzie is a Senior at Lakeland who is always above and beyond.
You may know Ciara from her work in the drama department or the choir, some of her biggest passions.
In the fall McKinzie will be attending Arizona State University to pursue a degree in Aerospace Engineering as well as Musical Theater. She hopes to become an engineer and be able to do acting on the side.
“I picked ASU because I’ve wanted to go there since fifth grade, it’s warm in Arizona, and they have great engineering and music programs,” McKinzie said.
She’s an Arizona native and it’s no surprise that she wants to go back to her warm home state for this new life experience.
Now you may be thinking that Engineering and Theatre don’t have much in common, but that didn’t stop McKinzie from wanting to go after both.
“I picked engineering because I love math and I picked musical theater because I have loved going to musicals since I was little. Afterwards, I hope to get an internship and work up from there. Once my job and life is stable, I hope to start auditioning on the side,” McKinzie said.
Ambition is nothing new to her.
McKinzie’s parents are some of her biggest supporters and have supported her dreams while also making sure she remains realistic. “They wanted me to support myself first then do what I dreamed,” McKinzie said.
For many, the transition from high school to college can be rough but McKinzie feels adequately prepared.
“I think that having access to the dual credit really gave me a taste for how college will be for me,” Mckinzie said. “I also think that drama and choir will greatly help with college, especially teaching the choir.”
Throughout all four years McKinzie has dedicated so many hours to these art departments “They give me a reason to want to come to school,” Mckinzie said. “I hope to be remembered as a good singer and hopefully a good friend,”
It’s expected that McKinzie will go on to do great and exciting things and there’s so much anticipation in what she will accomplish.