Cascadia Pizza Co. is a great neighborhood restaurant.
They are very welcoming and friendly and do an amazing job of setting a cozy atmosphere.
“Cascadia is a really chill place. Especially the short kid with the beanie that works there. His name may or may not be Shane.” Shane Kilgore Sophomore at Lakeland High School and Employee at Cascadia said.
Since Cascadia is meant for the whole family you can even bring your furry little friend to dinner with you!
If you’re looking for a nice and chill place to just relax and eat some warm pies this is a perfect place for you.
I love the atmosphere and feeling that Cascadia provides. It does a much better job at making you feel welcome and wanted than big chain restaurants like Dominoes and Pizza Hut
However, making you feel welcome isn’t the only thing Cascadia does better than big chain restaurants.
They also make their food much better and I genuinely love their pizza and I think it easily clears any other pizza place in the area.
Their dough is absolutely amazing and has a near perfect consistency. They also cook it just long enough to get that delicious burnt char taste but it still makes your taste buds dance for joy and don’t even get me started on their garlic crust.
It is honestly the best pizza crust I have ever eaten and I’ve eaten lots of pizza crusts.
They also make an extremely good and well made sauce. It is tangy and sweet and really good.
Some may say their pizza is overpriced.
“It aint no mod pizza, it’s too expensive” Joshua Callender Sophomore at Lakeland High School.
But due to the taste you feel less guilty buying it because it fills the hole in your wallet by filling up the hole in your stomach.
At the end of the day they make it worth your money and back it up with the taste of their food.
It’s difficult to complain when the money you are spending is going towards good food and a good company who genuinely cares about their customers and offers a warm welcoming place to dine for the community
I am much happier giving them my money than neighboring chain pizza places like Little Caesars or whatnot.
Make sure to go to Cascadia Pizza and support Rathdrum’s own little pizza place and give them a chance by enjoying what they have to offer because it is genuinely worth it and you will not regret it
They care about the people of Rathdrum and offer amazing pizza and service.
And after reading this, if you’re craving some pizza, go check out their Rathdrum location on the 19th from 4pm-8pm as they are hosting a fundraiser and giving $2 back to the journalism program.