For many people, prom has been a dream since they were young.
The dream goes a little like this:
It starts with the proposal. Then, the perfect evening with the perfect dress where the girl feels like a princess and she is accompanied by her prince charming.
However, the common denominator of all of this is having a date.
Often, those preparing for prom feel pressured to have a date.
But why is prom different from any other dance?
It feels more awkward to show up empty handed at prom than any other dance.
When attending homecoming every year, it is more common to go with friends but with prom it is a completely different story.
Students feel the need to find the perfect someone to spend the evening with.
There needs to be more normalcy in going to prom without a date or even just going with someone platonically.
For example, if a girl asked a guy friend of hers to go to prom, many would get the wrong idea. Maybe even the guy would be intimidated or think that the girl thinks of him as more of a friend.
“I feel like it would depend on the friend to have me ask them as their date,” Aryah Blackeagle said.
That then causes things to be complicated and weird.
But why is there the need for all of this pressure?
It does not have to be weird. It does not have to always be about who likes who. Where is the fun?
There needs to be an end to caring about what others are going to think and instead just going for what you want, not what others might think they want for you.
“I would have more fun alone anyway, the guy would just ruin my night,” Abby Kooiman said.
With that being said, this pressure can cause bigger issues than intended.
One thing that is common is a pair spends the night together then later breaks up and all they have from that night are memories of each other.
That causes regret to set in and the pair wishes they spent time apart from each other so that memorable night is not cluttered with the failed relationship.