Almost every holiday has holiday specials that are released during their time of the year and St. Patrick’s Day is no exception.
Christmas and Halloween specials easily clear St. Patrick’s Day but that doesn’t mean St. Patties day doesn’t have a handful of goodies even if they are limited.
“I believe that it’s the most slept on holiday.” Parker Byrd Sophomore at Lakeland High School
“ I feel that people don’t ever talk about it or even know what day it is. But I would say it’s a top 5 holiday for me personally.” -Parker Byrd Sophomore at Lakeland High School
Shamrock Shake
Top of the mornin to ‘ya! With March beginning this means that St. Patricks day is just around the corner.
Mcdonalds has decided it’s time to release their famous Shamrock Shake.
I am personally excited for this because I am in love with it.
The only negative thing I have about it is the fact that it’s only around during the leprechaun month and nowhere to be found during the other eleven months.
You have to know what you’re expecting before trying the shamrock shake because the mintiness can be a shocker for a lot of people who are unaware that it’s minty.
The flavor is extremely good, tasting like a normal vanilla shake with a minty aftertaste.
The shake is also a light green shade which matches the St. Patrick’s day theme!
So make sure to tell all your ginger friends to hop on their rainbow and fly to Mcdonalds.
“I think the shamrock shake is the best drink to be made other than the pineapple mango smoothie, I think it should be around all year long” Karli Vincent, Sophomore at lakeland High School
Krispy Kreme O’riginal Glaze
If you’re ever having trouble thinking of what to order at a donut shop, the original glazed donut is the way to go, especially when the donuts come from Krispy Kreme.
Krispy Kreme is the non-debatable, best donut shop in the world and anyone who thinks differently should rethink their life choices.
Now that I’m done forcing my opinion on you I’m gonna tell you about the St. Patrick’s Day special that Krispy Kreme has to offer.
Krispy Kreme didn’t do too much when it came to the creativity of their special but it works and is something I’m always excited for when leprechaun’s day comes rolling around the corner.
All they did was take a glazed donut and make it green. (How exciting, right?)
No matter what it looks like, it still tastes amazing and is simple and sweet.
Under the Rainbow Shake
Just like Mcdonalds, Dairy Queen decided to make a holiday flavored shake named “Under the Rainbow”
This St. Patrick’s day special consists of some fruity flavors and rainbow sprinkles.
It is topped with Dairy Queens classic vanilla ice cream and their whipped cream.
Unlike the other specials I actually do not like the Under The Rainbow Shake.
Matter of fact I despise this unicorn poop looking drink with all my heart.
I think the flavor is absolutely horrendous and should not be anywhere near a human’s mouth.
I can not fathom the difference between the Shamrock Shake, and DQ’S sorry excuse of a shake.
It is like comparing the Mona Lisa to a five year old child’s doodle.
Just like the parents lie to their five year old about their drawing being good, people who say the Under The Rainbow drink is good are also lying to themselves.