“Man’s Best Friend” is the title that we have given our beloved k-9 pets.
No matter the shape or size; they are there as our best buddy and pal.
Think about those tiny terrier yapping around the house waiting for their owners return, or the shepherd that sits on the couch near the front door barking at every contender who rings the bell that is not their owner.
These are the incredibly loyal pets that we wait to see at the end of the day.
“My dog’s name is Storm,” Brooklyn Fletcher said,“He goes crazy everytime I come home, it’s really cute.”
These pals make life worth living to the fullest, they push people to become more than they were before. They can turn your casual stroll into a horse race.
These are the creatures that shine a brighter light into their owners’ day.
They are your friend that doesn’t speak, but always listens.
“I got my dog Diego when I was three, he would always sit beside me when I watched TV,” Kylea Bartram said,”When I got older, he always slept by my bed, and it makes me feel safe at night.”
Dogs have an even greater reverence than we as people may not realize until the day that they are gone.
These sweet friends of ours keep us company when no one else will, they separate night and day with great amounts of joy and laughter. They are an incredibly important part of our lives because they create amounts of joy that we could not experience without them.
“My little dog moose, my dad and I call him Fick, which stands for feline identity crisis because he is a cat,” Kylea Justesen said.
The type of dog is not what matters, it is the connection that we make with them. That sweet relief that comes over us when stroking a dog’s fur is the sweetest sense of joy.
Joy is represented through many symbolic ways in our world: love, happiness, peace, friendship, and prosperity. All of which are brought through an overwhelming amount of light into our days.
One touch of a dog can bring each of those elements into one big slam dunk.
Even a video of a dog on your for you page can make you laugh, smile, and just giggle endlessly. Dogs are one of the main causes for the release of dopamine, just ask your friends.
“My doggo, Guster P. Worthy is the best dog,” Sean Elmose said,” He comforted me when I went through a traumatic experience. He came to me and laid down in my lap.”
Not only are dogs important through incredible emotional connections, but they cover many essential jobs that humans can not cover themselves, as well.
Dogs are used all over the world for many critical roles that help enhance humans ability to achieve tasks. K9s are known for being hardy police dogs, which are commonly found in fields like search and rescue.
However, the job that is required for a dog usually varies on the dog breed; Alaskan malamutes are commonly used as sled dogs. Although the importance for their original duty has declined, they can be found in sled dog races.
Although dogs help with those incredibly important deeds, they do not stop there; such as service dogs.
Over 27 percent of US citizens use a service dog. They help people who have a large variety of disabilities, which could include a downfalling emotional status of a human or someone who has poor or no vision.
They make life for these citizens much simpler to live; dogs have been trained to help humans through all of their daily needs.
No matter their job in the world, whether it is keeping you company or saving lives. They are there.