Have you ever been having a bad day and someone gives you a compliment? That just made your day right?
Why not spread positivity. Make those kinds of moments happen on a daily basis.
The reason I say this is because I experienced this type of interaction a few days when I was not having the best day. I was washing my hands in the bathroom about to head back to class when a girl walked out of the stall to wash her hands on the other side of the sink. Normally it is an awkward silence and people just mind their own business but this girl complimented my jeans and then asked me how my weekend was and so I asked how hers was. It was a very positive interaction that just made me have a brighter outlook on the rest of my day.
“Positivity gives me energy, in turn, it helps me to keep students engaged. It makes teaching so much more enjoyable,” Colleen Bevaqua said, a history teacher at Lakeland High School (LHS).
Remember in elementary school when we were taught to fill each other’s buckets not dump them. What happened to that? I know we are not in elementary school and I know we aren’t all going to be friends but we can at least be kind.
High school is rough for many students. Whether it is the workload they are taking on or the drama of it all. Maybe it’s the anxiety of having to eventually graduate that is making each day a little harder. That is why spreading positivity is important.
“When a teacher comes to class with a positive attitude, it makes it easier for students to enjoy that class. When students come to class with a positive attitude, they also enjoy the class, but even better, their minds are more open to learning, which helps them succeed on many levels,” Shannon Hall said, an English teacher here at Lakeland High School (LHS).
I am not saying that you need to be everyone’s friend because that is pretty much impossible. However, when seeing someone in the hallway give them a smile or if someone says hi just say hi back.
According to Meteor Education.com, positivity lessens anxious thoughts and feelings and can help someone feel more focused, happy and calm. This is all due to the rise in serotonin levels when the brain recognises positive emotions.
Positivity can even broaden thinking from a “me” standpoint to a “we” standpoint.
It also enhances creativity and cognitive thinking. Which is why positivity should be spread throughout the school.
“I am not always a positive person, but I do try to be upbeat and face life with positivity more than negativity. Thankfully, my interactions with the staff and students here at LHS are way more often than not positive, so that helps keep me going!” Hall said.
It is easier to have a good day when there are more good things happening. Just like it is easier to have a positive outlook when others around you are positive.
One negative thought does more harm than good. I know negative thoughts are normally out weighing the positives. Yet, I think that needs to be changed.
Sometimes classes suck. That is understandable. But try and look on the bright side. The class is not going to last forever and it can be somewhat fun if that is how you decide to make it.