Troy Paoli is an exceptional student, participates in school activities, and is a part of LHS’ Hello Hawks news program.
Q: What do you like about doing Hello Hawks?
A: It is very fun and interactive, and we are working together a lot. It is not a class where you are not doing anything, you are up doing stuff and not sitting the whole time. You are constantly filming and making stuff or editing videos.
Q: What is your favorite thing to talk about on Hello Hawks?
A: I like doing student spotlights or sports. Sports is just easy and comes naturally, and some people struggle to do it, but for me it is easy. Student spotlights are easy and you get to choose people who you know, and it is a laidback process.
Q: Do you want to have a profession in media or journalism?
A: Yes, after I get out of the navy I want to pursue a degree in sports journalism or something like that. I want to be on CBS Fox, NBC, or ESPN, not necessarily anything specific.
Q: What are some of your hobbies outside of school?
A: I like to hangout with friends, and I like to take pictures. I also like going on walks and being outside or gaming with friends. I also enjoy writing.
Q: Who is your favorite teacher and why?
A: I have really good teachers this year, but I would say probably History Anderson. He makes class fun, and makes class more interesting so it sticks with you. He has stories to go with everything so it makes it more fun and memorable.
Q: What are your plans for after high school?
A: I plan to go into the Navy and be a damage control man. After I serve I want to go to college for a sports journalism degree or sports kinesiology, or become a firefighter. If I were to be in damage control in the Navy then firefighting would go along with that.
Q: What dress up days do you plan on doing for Battle for the Paddle?
A: I have done blackout, generations, and I might do white lies, but I don’t know what to put. Yea, I am going to try to match with Nico and do the FBI thing on Friday.