Maya Keck is a determined and hard-working student at Lakeland High School. However, with finals coming up, she is a little nervous as most students are. She has her own ways of preparing for these daunting tests.
Q: What gets you through finals week? Whether it is a personal mantra or a certain drink etc.
A: Knowing that I have a three-day weekend up ahead and lots of energy drinks.
Q: Are you a good test taker or is it something that gives you anxiety? Why or Why not?
A: As long as I know the material well, I like taking tests because it means I don’t have to listen to lectures all day.
Q: Are you someone who waits till the last minute to study or someone who prepares weeks before?
A: I usually procrastinate and wait until the last couple of days before the test to study.
Q: Based on the answer above, what study methods do you use?
A: I usually read over all my notes multiple times and sometimes find practice problems and tests if I need extra help.
Q: What are hobbies/ activities that help you destress from a day of testing?
A: I like to go home and sleep or hang out in my room and watch TV
Q: What is the final you always wave and why?
A: I like to wave my math and science finals since those subjects are the hardest for me.
Q: Do you work well under pressure or not? Why or why not?
A: I work well under pressure because it motivates me to work harder.