Growing up is not an easy feat; somehow, everyone does it regardless.
The reason I have made it this far in my life growing up is thanks to my best friend.
The girl who saw me in second grade with awful bangs.
The girl who saw me in middle school with chunky braces.
The girl who will see me as a bride, with flowers in hand and a smile on my face.
No matter the distance that might get put between us, we have and will always be best friends.
Not a moment has passed through all the years that I have ever doubted our friendship and its constant companionship.
These friendships are among the most monumental parts of High School. The most important part of school is arguably the memories made. An education can get you into college, but the memorable moments can get you through any hard time.
I asked around Lakeland High School, and while lots of people said they didn’t have a best friend, the ones who did hold an unbreakable bond that is irreplaceable.
“I like how I can be a kid with her. I don’t have to be cool. She still does simple things with me, like coloring or doing things we would do as kids. It’s refreshing not trying to be someone I’m not,” Kaylin Maloney said.
Childhood best friends have one of the most significant impacts on a person’s makeup in life.
“I gained a lot of confidence from my childhood best friend. They were very encouraging, and that value stuck with me even after our friendship ended,” Gloria Peterson said.
Another value learned is to stay true to yourself. In a world trying to work against you, holding true to yourself and your personality can seem impossible. But it can be much easier with someone by your side supporting you.
“I love watching my friends grow up and become themselves; it’s like a reminder that no matter how much you change or grow up, you’ll always have that little spark of childhood fun when you’re with that friend,” Maloney said.
Best friends are always by your side during major life moments such as weddings, graduations, or big accomplishments.
Although not required by law to stay with you, like family, they will still support you wherever your days may take you.
“We are not afraid to be out there, to be ourselves. Even in classes or at times where we feel alone, we always have each other,” Earley said.
A true friend pulls you closer to your true values and holds your hand through hard times. But what makes a best friend is that they can keep a smile on your face throughout the whole thing.