Thanksgiving: a holiday meant to celebrate what you are thankful for.
Each family develops their own traditions that they follow, and has their own ways that they decide to celebrate this well-known holiday.
Students and faculty members at Lakeland are no exception to this yearly holiday.
Many students agreed that their favorite thing about Thanksgiving is the delicious meals their family serves.
Regan Wright gave an insight on her favorite thanksgiving foods.
“I really like when my family makes sweet potatoes with marshmallows on the top. I also like the leftover sandwiches with turkey and cranberry sauce inside of it.”
Other students like Zoee Young make foods that are not as “traditional” to the Thanksgiving tradition.
“My family and I are not very big fans of turkey, so usually we cook a whole chicken instead.”
Other Thanksgiving traditions are based on the memories that people make with their family members.
Whitnee Johnson enjoys the family time that she has during Thanksgiving break.
“The past couple of years, my family and I have gone to Silver Mountain and stayed there for a couple of days. It’s a fun activity that my whole family participates in, and the kids have a lot of fun.”
Young also enjoys the family time that she has with her family members.
“I always go Black Friday shopping with my mom, we do it every year. We also set up our Christmas tree and the decorations as a family the day after Thanksgiving.”
Some students have traditions that involve both food and spending time with their families.
Caroline Gallus enjoys her Thanksgiving because it gives her quality family time where they can all have a good time and appreciate their time together.
“Each of us kids makes one of our favorite dishes for dinner. It’s really fun to work in the kitchen with my siblings and have a good time together.”
Although most students celebrate this holiday, there are some students who don’t always celebrate it.
Charlie Dickerson spends most of Thanksgiving treating it like a normal day.
“My family and I don’t really celebrate Thanksgiving. Usually, I sleep in, and some years I will babysit my cousins. But other than that, I don’t normally do anything to celebrate. I do enjoy the week off that we get though.”
Thanksgiving is a holiday that most students have developed their own traditions for, and each family has their own unique way of celebrating it.